"Can you say "OVERLAPPING?"
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Signs You Would Like To See At Watchtower Convention
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think gb loesch has made some pretty bold statements that could be put in quotes with his picture attached could be a real killer!.
believe and obey only the faithful slave, don't believe any negative comment about us in the press believe only us.. google: child molestation watchtower bible and tract society, klick on wikki.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/jehovah%27s_witnesses%27_handling_of_child_sex_abuse.
BIG payout and an apology
by careful inenlightening:.
cha ching
“It feels really good to be here today,” Heutmaker, now 62, said tearfully amid a crowd of survivors of clergy sexual abuse gathered in a downtown St. Paul law office Thursday afternoon. “Never in my life did I think it would come to this, 49 years later. … I am extremely grateful.”
For survivors, such as Heutmaker, the fight began long before that and involved more than legal sparring.
He thanked his parents, friends, attorneys, fellow survivors and wife for standing by him as he battled years of anxiety, depression and thoughts of suicide.
Without all of you I don’t think I would be standing here today,” Heutmaker said.”Can you imagine? Your parents, friends, attorneys, fellow survivors, wife standing by you!?!
62 years old.....,
He was so grateful that the truth came out..... and the truth set him FREE!
Season 1 Episode 1 A&E Cults and Extreme Belief (Video)
by TerryWalstrom inhttps://www.aetv.com/shows/cults-and-extreme-belief/season-1it will post soon on site..
cha ching
I loved it!
I know this camera crew spent so much time with Barbara and Romy, and they had to condense the tens of (hundreds? of) hours down to a 45 minute show. I tried to picture myself doing this, and STILL getting the picture conveyed! Pretty hard to decide what to put it, what to take out.
I think they did a great job blending between Romy & Barbara, a great balance that would give people 'on the outside' a peek into what happens on the 'inside'.
When they asked about "cults" and if JWs could be one, because "Aren't cults usually run by one person?" The expert, Janja, said, "Well, it began that way, and the leadership became the governing body"....... "They have, what we might call, charisma by proxy. So they're the authoritarian leaders that cannot be questioned"
Let's not forget that. What about Jim Jones? What if only half the people died, and 3 or four men took his place? They would still have a cult... What if more people joined? Still a cult.
AE Investigates JWs May-2018 - Videos 1 to 4
by Fay Dehr inhttps://youtu.be/67xtusrbqze.
...part 2: https://youtu.be/zimrxxku-ak.
...part 3: https://youtu.be/kw6b6ncd-eu.
Favourite Quirky / Low Budget / Non-Mainstream Movies
by Simon inso the recent topic about film franchises got me thinking.
sure, we all love the big budget, mainstream releases that are so successful they spawn never-ending (it sometimes seems) sequels.
we could watch marvel and star-wars movies for the rest of our lives (and we might just ...).. but y'know what i love?
cha ching
Pretty funny, Days of FP, very clever little film!
Help with article on Watchtower Changes due to Legal Pressure
by jwfacts inat https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/8j8fj9/what_legal_requirements_have_forced_the/excircuitoverseer started an excellent thread on areas watchtower has changed due to legal pressure.
this has promoted me to gather the information into an article.
there is a number of points that i would like to expand on, and need assistance in finding information.. the article is at https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/blog/changes-due-to-legal-pressure.php.
cha ching
I remember when we started hearing rumors of "Apostates taking over Kingdom Halls that 'we all had built and paid for'".
The next thing you know the "Society" came to the rescue and put all of the land and Kingdom Halls in THEIR name, so no tricky, money hungry apostates, or people who wanted to sue a particular congregation, could ever get their hands on a Kingdom Hall again.
Help with article on Watchtower Changes due to Legal Pressure
by jwfacts inat https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/8j8fj9/what_legal_requirements_have_forced_the/excircuitoverseer started an excellent thread on areas watchtower has changed due to legal pressure.
this has promoted me to gather the information into an article.
there is a number of points that i would like to expand on, and need assistance in finding information.. the article is at https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/blog/changes-due-to-legal-pressure.php.
cha ching
There was a time when they had to remove 7 pages out of the Finished Mystery book because the US government thought it was seditious. Does this fit in with what you are looking for?
a short story to share
by LostAdam ini have a friend who got df'ed recently and he had a major role on a 5 min broadcasting film.
the film was made before he got df'ed (obviously), so it wont be on air.
as he told me it was to be on july or august program.
cha ching
The picture of the document was divided in half, to me.
The top half was written in blue ink, and had about 3 very long, dreary, legal questions that all had the same content, but the beginning of each sentence had a different sibject...
Kind of like (& sorry, my brain bla, blah blahs, when it comes to WT dribble) "I give all rights for any video made containing images of me... on and on, covering any music produced, written, work done on videos, art, sound, and anything else you could think of, spread out and repeated in the best legal jargon.
The bottom half of the paper I only have a vague recollection of it being mostly blank, containg a few sentences with a place to sign at the bottom.
I did not spend a GREAT amount of time reading, that is merely a vague memory.
What really happened around 1918 when WT leaders were imprisoned?
by dubstepped ini had never thought about this until just now when i saw that nathan natas posted some early tract from rutherford, and it made me think back to what little i could remember of the history i was taught.
i now know that in most cases the dubs will spin stories in their favor.
so i'm now assuming i was told some fictitious story about what happened when the leaders were thrown in prison and things looked bleak for the cult way back when.
cha ching
Thx again Wild Thing, & TerryWalstrom.... there's nothing like a newspaper and info direct from the era!
Who are they protecting?
by Addison0998 ini may have this wrong, but isn’t the wt being fined $4000 a day for not releasing the names of pedophiles in the congregation to authorities?
is it possible that some of these pedophiles they are hiding are prominent members, maybe even a governing body member?
cha ching
Yes, they did 'settle' that case. No more fines. Although, it is strange that they want to make the process of discovery as long as they can. Every single trial, they stall, stall, stall, appeal, appeal, appeal.
Perhaps, it is to see if the 'enemy' wears out? or runs out of money for court costs? or is 'willing to pay the price of patience'?
That's my idea.